Ancient city, istanbul

istanbul is the only city which connects Europe and Asia with two bridges and sea route. Besides, there is a new underground railroad project in progress in order to decrease the traffic jam between the continents.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ortakoy (Middle Village)

One of the districts of Istanbul is Ortakoy district. This district is very close to Fatih Bridge which connects two continents. This district is well-known in Turkey for society people. Actually, this place is a mixture of religion. In this place there are a church, a synagogue, and a mosque (Ortakoy mosque) in a very close location. Even though in Istanbul there are 2691 mosque, 123 active churches, and 26 synagogues (Wikipedia), this district brings these three religions into one place.
I have been to Ortakoy mosque. The difference about the mosque, which is small from the other mosques, is the window pictures with people images on the dome. The windows are like doors to the sky with bright white color. I am telling this because I think that this is an influence of churches on some mosques because generally there are no images in the mosques. I think this is another example of being in a mixture culture.
In the picture of Ortakoy mosque which I put in my blog, there is a Bosporus view including Fatih Bridge, associates me an intersection of culture between the east and the west. This can be easily noticed by looking around Ortakoy such as the people and their living style, dressing style, or the architecture of the houses and buildings.
I think that this shows that different religions can coexist side by side by like in Ortakoy district sample by respecting each other. Everybody can do every thing unless molesting the others` rights.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My first impression about Istanbul

My first trip to Istanbul was in 2003. I visited many places during my one week vacation. I realized that one week was not enough to visit every place in such a big city mainly because of traffic congestion and crowds. As a first thing, I went one of the hills of Istanbul called “pier loti” to watch sunrise. The view was wonderful. I bought a glass of tea and a bagel, and I enjoyed the view.
Another thing that I enjoyed to do was eating fresh fish in Eminonu district which is located on sea shore. There were small boats where fish sellers were grilling fish and selling them. The sellers were fishing in the early hours of the day in the Marmara sea which is a sea that connects the black sea and the Mediterranean sea. There were many sellers there. Eating fish and seeing the Bosporus with flying seagulls on the seashore was quite different than just eating fish in the other cities for me.
When I went sightseeing I saw many different districts: wealthy, poor, religious secular, developed, and developing districts. The interesting thing was these districts were so close to each other. Why these districts were so different? The vital answer is Istanbul is the most immigrant taker city in Turkey. It means a person could see different aspects of Turkey in Istanbul. Those immigrants immigrated to Istanbul, and wanted to carry out their custom in the city. But, apparently, there is no problem between these districts as far as I observed and heard and saw in media. For example, it was fairly common to see a religious dressed woman and a secular dressed woman together while they were shopping or chatting.

Monday, April 20, 2009

European Union and Turkey

Turkey has been trying to enter the EU (European Union) for a long time. Because the EU presents opportunities such as in those European countries there is no visa problem, therefore anybody can travel or work in those countries. In Turkey, there are many people who do not want to enter the EU as well as people who really want to enter the EU. There are many discussions about it for a long time in and outside of Turkey. Actually, many Turkish people do not know what would happen if Turkey were accepted to the EU, economically and socially.
Many conservative people do not want to enter the EU because they think that new generations will be affected morally by other European nations such as losing Turkish custom. However, it is good for the unemployed people because in case of entering the EU, Turkish people can find jobs in different sectors in the European countries.
Those ideas belong to Turkish people, then why was Turkey not accepted the EU? There are several reasons such as the population of Turkey, or the young population ration in the population, or the increasing population of Turkey. The population of Turkey is 75 million. The dominant generation is young, and even though the government is secular, more than 95% of people are Muslim. If Turkey were accepted, it would be the first Muslim country in the EU. Like many Turkish people, I do not know what is going to happen if Turkey was accepted but it seems to me that it would help the economy of Turkey.
As for my point of view about secularism in Turkey, it is in progress. “Secularism” is separation of government and religion. However, there is “Religious Affairs Ministry” under the control of the government. This is a kind of contradiction to secularism. Also, it is really hard to separate these two things from each other because the religion of Turkey, which is Islam for approximately 12 centuries, gives orders about daily life like the government, and these orders sometimes go against each other. It seems to me that Turkey needs time regarding secularism.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A brief history of Istanbul

Ottoman state took Istanbul May 26, 1453. The king was Fatih Sultan Mehmet, “The conqueror”.This name was given him when he took the city at the age of 21.It seems weird a person who took the city was just 21. The reason was he was the son of the previous king. One of his saying at the age of 21 is “Either I would take Istanbul or Istanbul would take Me.” it means I extremely want to take the Istanbul.
Before Ottoman state took the city, Byzantine state had the city for 1123 years. The city was the center of the trade between Europe and Asia. For that reason the city was so important for them. The fort of the city was protecting very well with enormous, strong walls from attacks. It had well-known for the fort. Besides, there was sea around the city. In case of emergency, Byzantines were ready to stretch a chain to a strategic two points for preventing enemy ships from attacks. In history many states wanted to take the city as well as Muslim states because of the geopolitical reasons.
Why I am giving this information? One of the reasons is the Ottomans invented a new kind cannon named “sahi”, which was powerful and long range than other cannons for that time. During that period, people were living in small groups in small forts. They protected themselves in those forts easily until Ottomans used “sahi” cannons. After Ottomans used those cannons other countries transported these kind cannons. The result was those small forts destroyed from attacks. For that reason, bigger cities established. It had a big effect in history as far as I read from Turkish history books. The second reason was the king Fatih transported the ships in front of the city on land. The chain was useless. Byzantines were not expecting this. Because, it happened first time in the history. Another reason was the city was the door of the Europe. Ottomans knew that if they took the city, they would have taken many European cities easier than Istanbul. After 53 days siege Ottomans took the city.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


"Geopolitics" word encomposses history, geograpy, politics, social science, and economy.
When I think,"geopolitically istanbul", it means that what is the history of the city? Why the city is important? What is the location of Istanbul in the world? How is and was governing the city? How is and was the social structure of the city? Lastly, how these circumstances affected the city economically?
To find answer to these questions I read an article. The name of the article is "Perspectives on European Politics and Society situating Turkey within the Europian Union" were written by Zeynep Capan and Ozge Onursal. I could not find direct answers but, the article tells about Turkish goverments` attempts to enter European Union.

The capital city of the capital cities

I found an saying by Napeloan Bonapart "If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital."
What I am understanding from this saying is the city is important because of its location, beauty, architecture, and history. The city was a capital of Roman Empire (330-395), the East Roman (Byzantine) Empire (395-1453), and Ottomon Empire(1453-1922). These countries presented their art and architecture skills in their capital city which is Istanbul.
Nowadays, it is not the capital of Turkey (the capitol city is, my hometown, Ankara). Why was not chosen as a capital city of Turkey which was founded in 1922? The answer is there were many wars at that time, and the new goverment of Turkey was not strong enough to protect its capital city from possible attacts. For that reason, the goverment chose Ankara, which is located almost the middle of
Turkey, as a capital city.