Ancient city, istanbul

istanbul is the only city which connects Europe and Asia with two bridges and sea route. Besides, there is a new underground railroad project in progress in order to decrease the traffic jam between the continents.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The capital city of the capital cities

I found an saying by Napeloan Bonapart "If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital."
What I am understanding from this saying is the city is important because of its location, beauty, architecture, and history. The city was a capital of Roman Empire (330-395), the East Roman (Byzantine) Empire (395-1453), and Ottomon Empire(1453-1922). These countries presented their art and architecture skills in their capital city which is Istanbul.
Nowadays, it is not the capital of Turkey (the capitol city is, my hometown, Ankara). Why was not chosen as a capital city of Turkey which was founded in 1922? The answer is there were many wars at that time, and the new goverment of Turkey was not strong enough to protect its capital city from possible attacts. For that reason, the goverment chose Ankara, which is located almost the middle of
Turkey, as a capital city.

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