Ancient city, istanbul

istanbul is the only city which connects Europe and Asia with two bridges and sea route. Besides, there is a new underground railroad project in progress in order to decrease the traffic jam between the continents.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Istanbul, the destination

This is Yasir Yogun from Turkey. Do you know where Istanbul is? What do you know about it?


  1. Hi Yasir,

    I read your posts on the right side of your blog, and they were pretty interesting, but I'm a little confused about a few things. First, do you think that Istanbul's role in the world is different now than it was in the various empires that it was part of? Do you think that if Napoleon were alive today he would still say the same thing? For example, now that there are airplanes, and you can just fly over Turkey to get from Asia to Europe or Europe to Asia, do you think the geopolitical importance of Istanbul is different than it was during the various empires and even into the early twentieth century. I guess the main question is: how important is Istanbul geopolitically? If it is as important as you say, why is Turkey having problems becoming part of the European Union?

  2. I think now the role of Istanbul is different than it was. The former Istanbul(Ottoman time) was more important than now economically, politically and so on. But I think that Napoleon said this sentence because the beauty, and history of the city not for economical or political reasons.
    As for the transportation I am talking about the transportation of goods such as food, furniture and so forth.For many neigbors of Turkey the sea route is crucial such as Russia.
    The European Union is about economy. I think the main reason is weak economy of Turkey. I believe when Turkey prospered, Turkey will be accepted to the EU.
